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Главная » #STREAM » Новости криптовалют за 01.07.2016

Кризис Эфириума: форк или не форк

В оригинале так: Once called a refund proportional to the DAO tokens held in both the main DAO and in all (statically enumerated) child DAOs, except the dark DAOs could be claimed by the msg.sender. Возможно, это ошибка. Однако в спецификации форка ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VfuAH7Zf0UQmuVw1o7cTPbNtp1wFYzlN1tBKV6SbVSI/edit ) написано The real contract would have only a single (default) function. When called, this returns an amount of ether proportional to the DAO tokens held by that sender in both the main DAO and in all (statically enumerated) child DAOs (except of attacker DAO tokens). Завтра попытаюсь разобраться.

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